Surrogate Carrier Screening
One of the first questions intended parents should ask an agency is how their surrogates are screened, as this process helps us understand a woman’s motivation to participate among many other variables. A surrogate’s physical and emotional history as well as available support systems, provide protection and needed security for a smooth and positive surrogacy experience.
You’ve been waiting long enough
Are you ready for the lifetime gift of parenthood? To be a patient and loving teacher, leader and protector? And to also…change diapers, wake up at odd hours, nurse stomach flus and experience your first break-up all over again through your teenager?
We’re here to help.
Contact details
Phone Number
+ 995 598 44 89 29
Email Address
93 Dimitri Uznadze St., Tbilisi Georgia 0102
To Book a Consultation
- CBC/hb- Complete blood count/hemoglobin
- Blood group and Rhesus
- HIV Human immunodeficiency virus
- HbsAg -Hepatitis B
- VDRL- Syphillis
- HCV- Hepatitis C
- TSH - Thyroid stimulating hormone/thyroid function test
- Prolactin
- Pap Smear test
- Free Testosterone
- 17 OH Progesterone; Insulin
- Blood Coagulation test
- Glucose
- Toxoplasmosis
- Herpes virus
- Chlamydia
- IVF assessment
A surrogacy journey often requires a commitment of a year or more. Interviews serve multiple purposes, including ensuring that each candidate fully understands and accepts the responsibilities and potential challenges they may face over the course of a journey. There must be a reciprocal confidence from both the agency and the surrogate side, that both parties will be committed to seeing a pregnancy through to completion. Only candidates who are fully prepared for the role are welcomed into the Be Parent family.
The decision to be a surrogate carrier affects every member of a household and support is essential during any pregnancy, for this reason Be Parent ensures to meet the immediate family of every surrogate team-member to ensure their encouragement. In this way we know that each surrogate will have the support and the emotional care they need to ensure their emotional well-being throughout pregnancy, delivery and the post-partum period. This interview includes a home visit to confirm that accommodations meet Be Parent safety standards.
Once a surrogate partner has successfully passed her initial psychological screening, she must be able to provide a clear criminal background certificate in order to proceed to our next screening checkpoint.
Having coordinated countless journeys for international intended parents, Be Parent is well-versed in surrogacy laws and procedures around the world. Certain embassies require surrogate carriers to hold single status. Careful to adhere to this requirement, Be Parent requests for every surrogate candidate to provide official certification attesting to her single status preventing potential legal obstacles after birth.
Be Parent’s surrogate team-members are between the ages of 24 and 39 years old. Many parents instinctively feel more comfortable with a younger surrogate partner; however, from experience, age is not the most accurate factor in determining the best fit and not as important as other aspects, such as prior pregnancy history. As all of our journeys entail gestational surrogacy only, no surrogate carrier will be donating her oocytes. Younger women frequently have a more active lifestyle, compared to a woman in her 40’s who often tend to be more stable and calm.
Once a candidate has successfully completed initial screenings and interviews, she is then referred to our medical team for physical and reproductive health assessment. Every surrogate candidate is screened for viral and sexually transmitted disease as well as hormonal levels. An ultrasound scan is performed to assess endometrial health and the viability of healthily carrying a baby to term.